The 7th Large Asian River International Symposium
August 11-17 2024, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
3th Symposium

3rd International Symposium on Larger Asian Rivers:

Climate Change, Floods and Droughts

Uneven distribution of water resources exerts tremendous stress on Asia. From west China and Mongolia to west Asia, there are large areas located in arid and semi-arid climates. Even in humid and sub-humid areas of Asia, water scarcity or stress is one of the main limitations that impede sustainable development. Climate change is likely to exacerbate the water scarcity and enhance the socio-economic stresses in Asia. Asian countries face diverse water-related problems. The water resources in arid and semi-arid regions where the socio-economic development depends heavily on the water availability are extraordinarily vulnerable to changing climate. Therefore, study on the climate change and watershed management is significant for sustainable development and ecosystem maintenance over the larger Asian river basins. This symposium will provide an opportunity to exchange the latest research in relevant fields for international academics, scholars, engineers and decision makers. The attendees of this symposium had an opportunity to explore the Tarim River, the longest inland river located in the Taklimakan Desert, the largest desert in China.

The themes of this symposium include, but not limited to 1)Climate change in the larger Asian river basins, 2) Impact of climate change on water cycle and water resources and sediment flux, 3) Integrated river basin management and adaptation to climate change, 4) Climate change and its impact on glaciers and river flow.

The symposium was jointly organized by National Climate Centre Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology, Xinjiang Climate Centre, Xinjiang Institute of Geography and Ecology,National University of Singapore.

The symposium was held on16th-22nd November, 2008 in Urumqi,China.

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